Thursday 27 May 2010

A Tailored Idea!

So what about a shoe tailors? A place where you could go and shop for shoes which meet with your every requirement! The size of the heel, the width of the heel, the colour and material of the shoe as well as it's lining, the shape of the buckle, the thickness of the laces, the height of the boot... the choices are endless, and it would be all up to you at the Shoe Tailors!

The Really Easy Shopping Idea!

I always seem to see a piece of clothing in a magazine that I really like, but when I go into the store it says its from, I can never find it anywhere! So with this idea I took a bit of inspiration from Grazia magazine's interactive 3D issue, in which you could take a picture on your phone of particular pages to recieve more content. So when you see a dress, for example, that you like in a magazine, there would a barcode printed next to it, which you could scan using the camera on your mobile phone. You could then type in your postcode, and it will automatically find your nearest store in which the item is stocked. It could also give you a link to where you can order it online there and then. This would be quick, easy and convenient shopping at it's best!

Swipe your Idea

I seem to spend a considerable amount of my life at Tesco's. I even have my own Clubcard. However I do not have one of the ones which you can attach to your keys and so add it to your keyring collection. This got me thinking. Why don't all stores who have their own store card, have it in a convenient keyring form, or even better they could incorporate it into a fashionable bracelet, which means customers could simply swipe their hand when they are purchasing an item.

Recycle your Ideas!

When I was doing my Art Foundation, I did a project which involved collecting different items in cassette tape cases. I was talking to my friend about the project only recently, but then I realised; I had acquirred the cases already empty, so where were the tapes for these cases? I therefore started thinking about ways to recycle such items. Cassettes already have that retro feel about them, and I was thinking you could use a small amount of material and make coin purses with them. I then came across this website where they have weaved the actual tape from the cassettes into a Sonic Fabric which is then made into clothing and actually lets you listen to your clothing!

A Firetrap of an Idea!

Me and my flatmate were out shopping the other weekend, and happened to stumble over a new Firetrap store opening! After having a bit of a look round the store, after being drawn in my the loud DJ and man on the door giving out free magazines (I'm physically uncapable of saying no to free stuff!) I noticed a promotion that said if you brought something from the store you got a free t-shirt, which you could design, and the instore graffiti artist would create. I thought this was a really interesting promotion; something that I have never seen before, and I thought could be used in other stores. This would also tie in well with the previous Topshop customisation station idea!

Britney's Big Idea

I doubt a day goes by when Britney Spears is not in the media, but recently it's been focused on her Candie's photoshoot, where the only way she would allow photographs of herself to be airbrushed was if the original photographs were also released. This caused a bit of a stir in the media, and I'm sure Candie's got what they wanted with lots of media attention. But why should the photographs cause such an outcry? I think it's refreshing and natural.

Therefore the big idea is for fashion, lifestyle and celebrity magazines to have at the very least one issue a year which is completely un-airbrushed. There is so much pressure to look a certain way in today's society, as the masses try to compete with the airbrushed images they see in magazines, and this would give us the chance to see people in the public eye actually looking like themselves and looking normal!

A Big Idea... for Topshop

At the moment it seems that everyone wants to look different from everyone else, dress in their own style, stand out, and have a piece of clothing or accessory that no-one else has. This is regularly achieved through customising clothes. Keeping this in mind Topshop's flagship store on Oxford Street, London has many different departments including the nail bar, shoe lounge, personal stylist area, and kitchen. Therefore for big idea number three, why not have a customising department! There could be an area instore where people could go which could include different pieces of material, beads, buttons, trimmings, needles and thread. It would be a customisers paradise, with everything a customer could ever possibly need to alter their clothing, making it completely individual.

Another Big Idea!

I think about shopping a lot. But recently I have been thinking of ways in which the whole shopping experience could be made better. Not for one second am I saying its not a good experience already, for me anyway, but I was thinking of ways it could be made easier and simpler for consumers, maybe simpler for those who don't enjoy shopping that much, and see it just as something that sometimes has to be done. I was also inspired after visiting New York, and seeing some of the technology used in some of the retail stores over there.

Therfore the big idea is for stores to have touch screens placed within them which customers can use to find out more about the products being sold, for example what they are made of, what colours they are available in, what sizes are available, what other products may go with them, and how many have been sold, so a consumer will know whether it is the must-have item of the moment, or if no-one else has got it, so they may want to purchase it for that reason.

The Big Idea

At the moment I have spotted quite a few adverts which feature printed textures on top of the original image, as can be seen below with Odd Molly and Juicy Couture, and I think we will see more and more of them in the near future:

But why print these textures? Why not actually stitch onto the advertisements? This would really make brands stand out from those 2D competitors! And it would give potential consumers a real 'feel' for the brand, enabling them to use more of their fives senses.

My Big Ideas!

Ok, so now this my second blog, and I'm really starting to get into blogging!

I thought I would use this one as a way of sharing some of my ideas, whether they be fashion related, or anything really; just big ideas, concepts or trends that may solve a problem or invents something new! Please keep in mind these are only ideas, and have no real planning or strategy behind them, for some of them I'm not totally sure how they would work! But they are ideas that I have come up with and wanted to note down, you never know one day...!